torsdag 28 april 2011

raw clarity..

jag har hittat två artiklar på engelska om juice/smoothies & om frukt.

bare with me and read it..


Many people get confused about the difference  between juices and smoothies. A juice contains no fiber/pulp from the produce – it is the extracted water content of fresh fruits and vegetables. A smoothie contains fiber – it is the result of blending whole fruits and vegetables, then drinking the mixture without seperating the fiber from the liquid. You can turn any fresh raw smoothie into a juice by simply squeezing it into a nut milk bag to seperate out the solids from the liquid.
Both are great for you… If a juice is eaten on an empty stomach, the nutrients penetrate deeper into your cells, so eat this first thing in the morning.


There is always a constant discussion regarding fruit, so let’s clear things up. I’m all for it, except if you’re trying to lower your cholesterol. Here is a few paragraphs from Skinny Bitch.

“…Fruit. Eat it. The most irritating thing about the low-carb craze is the resistance to eating fruit.  Fruit is, quite possibly, the most perfect food in existence. It is unique in that it barley requires any work to be digested. High in enzymes, it effortlessly passes through the body, supplying carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, and cancer-fighting tannins and flavonoids. Because it is made up of mostly water, fruit hydrates the body and aids in cleansing, detoxifying, and eliminating.

Best-selling Fit for Life authors Harvey and Marilyn Diamond found that fruit best serves our bodies when eaten along because it is so easily and quickly digested. When we eat fruit with other foods, it cannot pass through our bodies as quickly. So it rots and ferments in our stomach. This can cause burping, bloating, and heartburn. To combat this, the Diamonds recommend eating fruit on an empty stomach, first meal of the day, and waiting 30 minutes before eating anything else.”


“I feel like I’ve always been someone looking for the cutting edge of things that optimize your health and healing” – Demi Moore

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